Sunday 1 September 2013

"inspiring love poem"

 Keep it secret!

(phurpy prettybox)

In love, you will sacrifice everything just to be with him. 
But how long you will sacrifice if you already know that he is not for you?
Are you strong enough to face the reality that the man you love is already committed to others?
Are you willing to surrender everything you have in the past just to be with the future?

These are some of the questions you should consider upon entering the kingdom of love!
It is not a joke or an illusion. You must be responsible in every consequences you may encounter. 
Love is not as enjoyable as you think! It depends on what kind of love you have. It must be true love o infatuation love. Love for others is a cloud in your heart but sometimes love is a storm that can destroy your whole life.

 In love you will met a man whom do you think he is your destiny,but how can you say that? 
Never take anything for granted specially in love because usually the person whom do you love most is the one who will betrayed you after all.

To prevent heartaches do not give everything to the person you love. Leave a little bit love and care for yourself and never surrender the key of birth if you are not sure if that man will love you until your last breathe. Measure his love and test his loyalty to know if he will do everything just to be with you. Do not be attracted of his words, always remember "action speaks louder than words"

But the most safely way to prevent heartaches is to keep your feelings to him and  begin from being friends and know him more before giving him a chance to court you.
KEEP IT SECRET and let him be the one to express his feelings to you and observe how dedicated he is just to commit your sweet love.

Ty it and you will never regret!
